U.S.S. LST 794

Short History of LST 794 from danfs

Detailed History of LST 794

LST 794 Crew Roster

LST 794 Association Contact Information

New!LST 794 Discussion Group

What is an LST anyway?

The Journey of  the U.S.S. LST 794

The Ship and Crew  

Crossing the Equator, Shellback Initiation


The Phillipines


The War Ends




The Voyage Home

'794 Sea Stories

Typhoon off Okinawa  (Typhoon Louise)

House call at sea

The Signalmen (or "Beating Navy")

Launching an LCT from the Deck

Links to other LST sites

Information about LST's

Configuration of a WWII LST (LST-454 Website)

The deck got pretty crowded ...Here is a picture of a loaded Coast Guard LST (NOT the '794) heading ashore during the invasion of New Britan.

A rare color picture of an unknown LST at Iwo Jima (NOT the '794) from the

LST Home Port.  It shows the camoflauge pattern, and the rust !

Discussion group of LST veterans

United States L.S.T. Association

The LST Home Port is a great site with contacts, a big photo archive, and more!

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