Name: | John David Smith |
Date: | 2000-06-23 |
Crewmember? | Yes |
From: | Austin, Texas |
Comments: | My father served on a LST in the Pacific during WWII.I am just interested to see if anyone knew him. He passed away when I was five years old. His name is Billie Wayne Smith.He was from Winters Texas.If any of you knew him please contact me at 5114 Creekline Dr. Austin, Texas 78745Thank YouJohn D.Smith |
Name: | Owen Preston |
Date: | 2000-06-23 |
Crewmember? | no |
From: | Palatka, Florida |
Comments: | Very interesting. I am interested in WW2 history, especially the Navy. |
Name: | p.a. neuman cdr usn |
Date: | 2000-06-21 |
Crewmember? | no |
From: | ca |
Comments: | |
Name: | Richard L. Henry |
Date: | 2000-06-21 |
Crewmember? | No |
From: | Englewood, Florida 34223 |
Comments: | I was on LST #34. We made seven landings, received six battle stars, survived the Westloch accident, and all in all, had a great time. |
Name: | charles r corell |
Date: | 2000-06-19 |
Crewmember? | no |
From: | fredonia ny |
Comments: | just browsing through and came accross your site, enjoyed it. |
Name: | Ralph Rocheteau |
Date: | 2000-06-19 |
Crewmember? | No |
From: | Hyannis,Mass., originally. Now Homstead, FL |
Comments: | I served from 1968-70 on U.S.S. Tallahatchie County, AVB-2 (LST 1154), My ship was an LST with an enhanced superstructure, used for aviation support and electronic intelligence. The ships crew meets every two years |
Name: | Harold H Rowan |
Date: | 2000-06-18 |
Crewmember? | no |
From: | Texas |
Comments: | I was in the Coast Guard from 75-79.I served two years on the icebreaker Glacier WAGB4 and finished up at Station Port Aransas,Texas.Ship board life is very unique and I always try to read about or talk to someone who has been there. |
Name: | terry layfield |
Date: | 2000-06-18 |
Crewmember? | no |
From: | albany ga. |
Comments: | just wanted to say thanks for putting a web site up such as this one. |
Name: | ed wisniewski |
Date: | 2000-06-18 |
Crewmember? | no |
From: | Phx. az.. |
Comments: | Where can I get info on LST 777? |
Name: | Wendell Mathews |
Date: | 2000-06-18 |
Crewmember? | no |
From: | Washington State |
Comments: | Went from Numazu beach to Pusan Korea and returned to Tokyo Bay with the 6th Tank Battalion during the Korean War. Fun when the skipper went 45 degrees to the swells to break in us landlubbers. |