Name: | Judy Hines |
Date: | 2000-01-01 |
Crewmember? | My father - Arnold A. Johnson |
From: | Mason City, IL |
Comments: | The LST 794 homepage is the most complete I have found. I recently obtained my deceased father"s discharge papers and have been searching for information re: LST 982, 712 and 794. My son is a plankowner of the DDG 62 currently in the Gulf. Some NAVY blood is running through. Would appreciate any info on 982 & 712. I appreciate your hard work. |
Name: | Bill McDermott |
Date: | 2000-01-01 |
Crewmember? | no |
From: | Barefoot Bay, FL |
Comments: | Browsed your page on recommendation fromWalter Martin USS LST 1122. Very nice, keep up the good work. Was a shipmate of Walter"s on the USS LST 1122 in the Pacific. Also served on two others in Europe.. |
Name: | Walter G. Martin |
Date: | 2000-01-01 |
Crewmember? | No.! LST. 1122 from 11/44 til 5/46 em3/c |
From: | Marine Park, Brooklyn , N. Y. |
Comments: | Very good....easy reading. very informative. The story of LST 481 was terrific. I could really relate to many of the incidents. |
Name: | Andrew Rork |
Date: | 2000-01-01 |
Crewmember? | My father is 1st Lt. Paul Rork |
From: | Midland Park, NJ |
Comments: | This was very exciting to find. My father has greatly enjoyed reading and seeing the pictures. Are real copies of the photos available? It brought back many stories, such as Inky, my fathers dog. Thank you so much. |
Name: | Suzanne Gilley |
Date: | 2000-01-01 |
Crewmember? | no |
From: | Texas |
Comments: | My dad was in the Navy, Pacific campaign. I was even in myself, although I was an Aviation Elect. Anyway, I had a g-g-uncle by the name of William H Mcminn. It"s a nice thing you"ve got for your dad. |
Name: | Harold H Holzschuh |
Date: | 2000-01-01 |
Crewmember? | no |
From: | minnesota |
Comments: | Served LST 848 Jerome county from 1964 to 1967. 18 months in ountry Veit Nam. Worked from Da Nang, Chu Lia, Camron Bay and Sigon. I found your site among others and am ammased that their are so many T sites. As you well know being on a T is an experience that stays with you you whole life. Thanks |
Name: | H. Richards Loepp |
Date: | 2000-01-01 |
Crewmember? | yes (crew member) |
From: | Missoula, MT (formerly from IA) |
Comments: | I commend you on your work to create this web page; it"s certainly well done and I wish you much luck in adding information. I was a radarman aboard the 794 and I remember your dad. Thanks!Dick Loepp |
Name: | Clarence Macchi |
Date: | 2000-01-01 |
Crewmember? | Yes |
From: | Saint Louis, MO |
Comments: | Thank you for your website. I received a letter from George Gross about your site and I am very pleased. I will look for any additional information to send you for your publication. Thanks again |
Name: | frank perrone jr. |
Date: | 2000-01-01 |
Crewmember? | my father was a crew member |
From: | berlin, new jersey |
Comments: | nice job steve, can"t wait to show this to my dad, thanks again. frank |
Name: | Robert D. Sullivan |
Date: | 2000-01-01 |
Crewmember? | No |
From: | White Salmon, Washington |
Comments: | My ship, LST 1110, also arrived Okinawa on 24 June 1945 and it is likely that we were in the same convoy as your LST 794. I wish you great success in the further development of your website ...you are off to a good start !Bob Sullivan |